My 2nd Korean food refresher course (17-18 October, 2019) for The Peninsular hotel Bangkok photos are finally here, sorry…. it’s very very late!

The staff this round are from various departments including the staff canteen cooks. Everyone was very excited to learn!

The dishes I taught were Kimchi, Bulgogi, seafood pancakes and Japache. Now, let’s talke about making Kimchi! It’s an 8 hour making process so you can imagine what I had to do get this done in two hours. All the other dishes are relatively easy to make and so delicious.

Let’s get started! Do I look too serious?
Treat the cabbage like a baby!

See the students making kimchi here

Salt on each cabbage leaf

Next is Seafood pancakes! This is crowd favourite…

YUM! This looks very crispy

Japche (Korean stir fried noodles) is easy to make but balance of seasoning is very important

My favourite student, always eager to learn, and he used to be a cook’s assistant and now look how far he has come!
Behind scene – tasting time!

The head chefs and I were judging who made the best Bulgogi

A lot of people don’t realise how easy it is to cook Korean food. I have been trying various Korean restaurants here in Bangkok and sad to say it is very disappointing so far. Home cooking for now… ๐Ÿ™‚