I have been hesitating to start my balcony garden for a while. I am not sure if it’s the height(we are on 29th floor) or the smog that I see every morning thats been putting me off. Also, all the vegetables for sale here are grown locally  and you can even find an abundant supply of   organic vegetables and herbs. And they are all so cheap.  Still, I  haven’t seen Thyme or any Korean vegetables, such as sesame seeds leaves(깻잎).

Cutting fresh herbs or picking my own vegetables from my garden has always been one of my joys (next to cooking). After going on a wild goose chase around Bangkok  for some Thyme, I decided it was finally time to start my little balcony garden. Luckily, the Australian and New Zealand Womens group (of which I am a member) organised a day trip to Chatuchak plant market and helped me to find all the necessary equipment to start.

Here are my little Corianders that I grew from seed. They are from the Chatuchak plant market and  I was a little skeptical on planting them as I had only limited success in Singapore. Even though it’s only a 2.5 hour flight away, it’s not as humid as in Singapore. So, I am hoping I might have better luck here. I am still not sure what Bangkok has to offer as far as the weather goes. Friends living here are warning me about the upcoming April heat waves… 🙁




The first two boxes below are Sweet basils and Thai basils. They tend to grow really well in tropical weather so I am not so worried. The third box on the bottom of the picture  has two little chilli seedlings and rosemary cuttings. So far the rosemary isn’t looking so good :-(.


basil and rosemary



I also have thyme and two little flat parsley seedlings but they are still too tiny to show you. Here are the rest of the herbs that I bought from Chatuchak market. I have had them for a week now and so far, they don’t seemed to mind the full afternoon sun. Until the thyme seedlings grow big enough, this little plant will keep me happy.




Mint is hard to grow  from seeds in the tropical weather but I am trying. Not a single beep from the mint seeds but I am going to be patient……..




The rosemary is looking really healthy. This is my second one so far. Silly me though – I left the plant next to the air-con unit over the weekend and it dried out completely. I have never killed rosemary before and it was so sad…. 🙁





My latest project is growing celery inspired by this website. I knew I could regrow spring onions if I cut the root and left in a jar with some water but not celery.  Apparently, its the same method. It has been a week since I started this little project and already I can see few roots sprouting out and few new green stems slowly growing as well.





Looking through my little herb babies every morning(and afternoons) gives me sense of balance again and finally feels like I am home. Believe it or not, I also have some non-food plants. I have always said that I would never have ornamental plants but these are strictly to provide some shade for my little babies.  I actually don’t know what I am supposed to with these plants besides watering them. I hope they don’t die on me… 🙂  Happy Gardening!