My Korean cooking classes have been taking up all of my time lately causing me to neglect my garden at the back my condo  for the past few months. The whole thing had become overgrown with basil plants whose flowers seemed to be the main source of food for a swarm of nearby bees!! This time I decided to be a little more organised and plan the vegie patch more carefully. Tada….!

While I was busy gardenening, I was startled by a huge lizard that had made its home in the undergrowth. Its funny how I love growing vegetables, but I hate the insects and bugs and other creepy-crawlies that live in a garden. Even ants scare me!!  Can you see how the lizard is hiding among the leaves? It was HUGE!!!

This mext picture looks like weeds but it’s actually onions. I grew them from seeds. Only two made survived to be transplanted into the garden but it was a successful experiment and it will be interesting to see how long they will take to become a full grown onions.

The next photo is a sweet potato. I had these in my original garden but decided to pull them out and plant a Japanese sweet potato which is sweeter and a little smaller. Again after only a few weeks they have taken over the entire garden.

Now some updates on my balcony garden. I added a new red sign to my balcony and a few more vegies.

I was told ginger grows really well in Singapore but I didn’t really know where to start. So one day, I just filled a pot with compost soil and buried a young ginger root in it. It seems to have done the trick and so far it is growing well. Someone told me ginger grows better in a pot than in a garden. Does anyone know why?

The next addition was an unexpected one. I have never succeeded in growing any other beans except French beans. This time I thought I would have a go at growing some dwarf beans. As you can see there is not enough to make a whole dish with it just yet but I should be able to combine them with my French bean harvest and make a nice stir fry.

Finally, I have saved the best for last. I have tried to grow coriander many, many times but always without success. A few months ago, I came across a shop selling different types of seeds in Chatucchak weekend market in Bangkok. I grabbed a few packets and hoped for a miracle. So far, they are doing really well and it may justify another trip back to Bangkok just for more seeds!

According to my research, coriander plants don’t like to be disturbed so I am leaving them alone except for lots of tender loving care, water and some organic fertilizer. I am crossing fingers and toes for this one!

I also have Thai tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplant seedlings growing at the moment. Not big enough to show off just yet but I will share them with you soon. It’s been raining here in Singapore every day, almost too cool(?) for my liking and not enough sun for my plants. Happy Gardening everyone!